Los Angeles


(310) 998-5533

Emergency Sutures in Los Angeles for Eyebrow Lacerations

Emergency Eyebrow Lacerations or Facial Lacerations

Traumatic lacerations of the forehead often require layered emergency sutures in order to reapproximate the skin and muscle layers of the eyebrow and forehead. Deciding on whether sutures are required after a laceration depends on the amount of tension on the wound and whether the two skin edges co-apt. Wounds that are separated, bleeding, infected, or stellate require emergency care by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Top 5 Steps Before Seeking Emergency Laceration Repair

  • Seek immediate medical attention or dial 911 if there are any life-threatening medical issues.
  • Wash area gently with soap and water.
  • Place gentle pressure with a cotton gauze if there is bleeding.
  • Seek immediate medical attention or dial 911 if there are any life-threatening medical issues.
  • Cover the wound with a moist cloth or bandage.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a plastic surgery specialist with expertise in the management of emergency sutures for pediatric and adult patients. His approach optimizes laceration repair in order to minimize short and long-term scarring. By re-approximating the underlying muscle, deep dermis, and skin using micro-cuticular sutures, Dr. Karamanoukian can improve long-term results.
Emergency Laceration Repair in Los Angeles Stitch Doctor

Our Los Angeles Plastic Surgery office is dedicated to the highest level of professionalism and ethics in plastic surgery. We offer emergency and elective treatments for emergency lacerations that require urgent care. We are located in Santa Monica and have a fully accredited facility to optimize your care. Our board certified plastic surgeon and expert clinical nurses can help you take care of a child or adult with emergency wound care.
Eyebrow and eyelid lacerations can be repaired using a combination of dissolvable and non-dissolvable sutures in order to reapproximate the skin and all layers of damaged tissue. Patients referred to urgent care or the emergency room can receive same-day treatment in our facility. We would recommend that you call our office immediately after an injury to schedule a time for consultation.

Kare Plastic Surgery
804 7th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 998-5533